Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stefano is the man!!!

Well People of the blogging world.. it finally happened....... drum roll please.... I GOT A DOG!!!!! Well actually my awesome husband got me a dog for Christmas! A cute little pup... to say the least I was freaking out when I found out. His name is Fabruzzio, bruzzi for short, he is the CUTEST pup ever weighing in at just one pound!!!! He really has the cutest little personality, and we just love him. Mr. Niccoli really is such a sweetheart! He and Bruzzi are becoming great friends!!! I can't believe I really have my own little puppy, he's perfect.....


Kayla R. said...

Soooooo CUTE!!!! Congrats and Merry Christmas*

Mari said...

Shut up! Are you for real? That is the cutest dog ever, you are so lucky! Stefano is for sure the man. Merry Christmas!

vanessa joie said...

OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOODNESS! I take back everything I said about Stefano being a puppy-hater.

How old is he??

The McKell Family said...

Oh my gosh!!!! How cute!!!! YOu are one lucky girl! He is the cutest thing!! I am glad you got what you want! Good job stef!

Unknown said...

Very cute! I always loved Princess, I hope this dog is as good of a dog as she was. :)

[Morgan] said...

what the? one pound. awwwwesome.
merry christmas!

Becca said...

YAY! Your life will honestly be so much happier! We absolutely love having a dog.'ll have your days of frustrating with potty training and when he eats your favorite shoes...but it's totally worth it! He is so so cute! Good luck with everything!

Chelsea said...

I want to take a big bite out of his little puppy face b/c he is too cute!!!!!! (Please don't get a restraining order against me)

Paityn Ann said...

So adorable. What kind of dog is it?

vanessa joie said...

I have the best idea!! You puppy and my puppy should have babies! Well, when they are older of course...

Jons and Celeste Leigh said...

Obviously you tricked Santa into thinking you were a veeerrry, verrrrry good girl this year! ha ha j/k That pup is so dang cute!

steph said...

Thanks! And your puppy is adorable. Your husband is a stud.

Chelsea said...

Megan, I love you, which is why I am going to be brutally honest with you... YOU NEED TO CATCH UP ON YOUR POSTING!!! I am dying to see more pictures of Bruzzi, and everytime I check to see if there is more, alas I am heartbroken all over again. Also, your shirt needs to be ironed. I can just tell from here. I just can, okay?