Friday, February 27, 2009

I can't take it no mo

Yes I had to edit it. Come on this is a family show.
So if you can't tell from the blog post or from my picture I'll just tell you I've had a hell of a week. Sorry. I just don't know how else to express it. It all started with having to wake up at 3:00am on Sunday morn to drive to Vegas for work. I just don't function on 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I can't. It is just who I am. We worked in Vegas until that Wednesday... work was long, stressful and sucky. Apparently having a terrible time in Vegas wasn't enough for me. When we got back from Vegas and unloaded all the food I decided to get in a fight with a hot taker (big plastic thing that keeps food warm for long periods of time)

The hot taker won. This picture doesn't really do it justice it was swollen so bad the night it happened I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to open it by the morning... plus this was taken today and the incident happened Wednesday.

The cut over my eye was from getting hit so hard that it split open.. genius!

Then to top it all off I was cooking din din for my one and only. Honestly I was cooking a little mad kz I was over tired and mad at the world. So I first get HOT oil spat in my eye while cooking the chicken. Not sure how, but it hurt like a swift kick to the crotch. BUT that wasn't the best part I was cutting up some yummy yummy cilantro and decided hmm maybe a little tip of my finger would be good to top off this lovely meal and a lovely week. Needless to say it was followed by tears of frustration with myself for being so stupid and with my stupid week.

My only saving grace is that this weekend we will FINALLY get to celebrate our anniversary... working until 1am wasn't so much an anniversary. I get a whole full day and full night(woot woot) with my one and only. A MUCH needed break! Thanks for listening




vanessa joie said...

Poor Megan!!

Darn that hot taker! Darn that chicken! Darn that cilantro!

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

Sounds like a terrible horrible no good very bad day!....or couple of days. I hate when that happens! AT least you have some cool battle wounds from it!

steph said...

Boooo. Just can't get a break! I hope this next week treats you better.

Logan said...

Don't you hate when it's just one thing after another? I've had a few weeks like that in my life. Hope this next week brings much more fun and safety in your life!

Kayla R. said...


[Morgan] said...

i need that blown up poster size and put on my wall. must be in the air...
hope you feeling better!

Chelsea said...

Tell me where that hot taker lives, and I will toiletpaper it's house. Then, I will take it's mom out to a nice seafood dinner, and never call her again!

Jene and Megan said...

OUCH!! I hope you recover soon!! :)