Friday, December 11, 2009


So a couple things
1st. Stefano went to Vegas for two weeks. He does this every year. He helps my dad at the Cowboy Christmas. Their mission? To bring genius cowgal styles at cheap prices to all true blue cowpeople out there(ha cowpeople that makes me giggle). He dresses up as a cowboy, but according to a friend we randomly saw down there he totally looks like a poser..... I think he looks H-O-T. Cowpeople are so genius, they're awesome!! One day stefano and I will be one of them:) maybe. well probably not, but what it would BE like if we were eh?! Genius that's what. So anyway my point is I got to go help out/visit for several days. It was fun. We went to the rodeo. so fun. I've always loved the rodeo!! We also had some SERIOUS Utah pride. oh and when I say we I mean me (stefano isn't quite "there" with the whole utah pride thing:). All the Utah riders were pre much awesome. Anyways that was a lot of ramble for wanting to get only one point across. we had fun! AND I freakin love my husband. He takes really good care of me... for that I'm so thankful! Love him!


I'm giving my house a little face lift! I painted the kitchen.... man its bright. but I kinda love it. I'll post some pics when it is done. I also MADE some cool things kz I'm THAT crafty:) I made a magnet board and a jewelry holder. They turned out SO SO cute. Well I might be just a tich bias (is tich a word? hmm). I will post pics soon. AND ya'll were apart of it. You helped me pick out one of the pics that I had done on the canvas stuff... I don't know what it is, but I do have a button on my blog,... you should check it out. It is pre cool.

Anywhoo.... this is all.

Over and out.

Photo taken by: stefano. It took him like 10 mins trying to time it just right.


Kayla R. said...

FUN!! i bet its a BLAST... LOVE VEGAS:) you guys are sooo cute! I want to paint my house so bad...

vanessa joie said...

I can't wait to see the pics of your kitchen! ... in person... must come visit.

Cowpeople having cowkids makes me laugh.

Jessica said...

Yeah I never post on that blog try this one....

We should hang out soon!!

Chelsea said...

Wow, everything about this post made me happy! Cowboy Stefano, the kitchen, the craftyness, the photo! Bow, bow, wink!!!!!

Chelsea said...

p.s. check out our friend at

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Stefano in the picture frame. That's amazing. Well worth the 10 minutes it took him to do it!

steph said...

I wanna see your kitchen! And the next time you're in Vegas, if you have free time give me a call! Seriously!