Monday, April 12, 2010

We're having a................

Well people we found out what we're having!!!! Stefano and I are pleased to announce that we are having a sweet little BOY!!!

I'm just so excited!!! It is crazy to know what we're having now. It makes the whole situation feel more real. Now if we just get the name down we'll be rip roarin ready to go. I will say that little boys are hard to shop for.... slim pickins. BUT today is my day off and I'm going to find several cute outfits... I'm on a mission.

oh if he's half as cute as his handsome daddy we'll be in great shape!! Its funny kz Stefano has never said that he wanted a boy, but now that we know he is SO excited I think he didn't even realize how much he wanted a little boy. Loves it. Love him.

that's all.


JT said...

congrats you two!!!

Danny and Shalayne said...


Chelsea said...

Wahoo! Shopping was so fun. We are just getting started! Next time, you have to ride the train. :)

[Morgan] said...

my favorite part of this post is how you called "having a baby" a "situation".
your husband may be thrilled to have a son, but let me swear by this, the way a little boy adores his mom is like nothing else in the world. it's awesome.

Unknown said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations!

Tranchell Family said...

Congrats! We are having a boy too, wish we were still in Utah, then they could be buddies.

steph said...

AHHHH!! YEAH for boys! I'm so happy for you guys! You will be fantastic parents!

J & J said...

yayyyyy! love little boys. we're so happy for you guys! you'll figure out a name, don't you worry. and when you do, it will feel so perfect.

J&B Barrett said...

yahoo, yahoo... congrats!

jenna said...

CONGRATS! boys are the very very best ;)

Kari Ann said...

Boys are the best! I don't have any girls to compare them to, but I am pretty sure it doesn't get much better:) Congrats!

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

YAY!!! Boys are so good for the oldest! I bet he'll be a knock out!