Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back Streets Back... Alright

Well I'm back to blonde peoples... yes I couldn't stay away any longer. Plus hubby digs the blonde, and what can I say I'm a sucker for my Mr. Hotty(and YES that is an official title)...Annnyways I thought it only appropriate for me to be wearing the very same head band I was when I came out as a brunette..... maybe I should think of something besides "coming out" how about my brunette debut. Yes rolls off the tongue a bit better. So here you are.... it is me back to the basics... aka back to blonde.

It isn't quite as blonde as I like.. but rome wasn't built in a day after all....AND yes I did compare me going back to blonde to Rome. That is how SERIOUSLY I take myself and my hair. this is all




Paityn Ann said...

Loves the blonde!!

[Morgan] said...

you are beautifully either way my dear (pronounce that I-ther please.)
this is all.

Tranchell Family said...

Once a blonde always a blonde in my opinion! (not meant in the "dumb" way) Love it! I tried brown for a while and it lasted for about 3 months.

vanessa joie said...

Hello gorgeous! I likes that blonde too!

Jene and Megan said...

You are too funny! I love the blonde!!

Jons and Celeste Leigh said...

ha ha you're hilarious. I'm slowing making my way back to blonde too, I couldn't stay away for too long. You look gorgeous either way

Chelsea said...

I don't really love it either way... was that rude??

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

I loved the dark... but I have to say you look beautiful with either. Blonde is always good for the summer eh.

Unknown said...

You look beautiful with dark and light hair but when I think about you I picture you as a blond. It's good to have YOU back. :)

Kayla R. said...