Friday, October 10, 2008

Biggie Size Me

Okay I don't know if anyone has ever gone without a channel changer
if you have then you know what a PAIN it is

If you haven't don't don't do it.....

For the last like 6 months Stefano and I have been watching TV on a big screen like a five year old.... right in front of the screen so that we can chage the channel....... Well all our Changer woes are no more.... yep that's right, Stefano and I classed it up and got a universal channel changer... it is basically the coolest thing we own. IT IS HUUUGE... loves it... I feel like it can't be real yes it is THAT big.....but it works amazingly. I took pics kz its funny to me so here you go:)

I know................ GENIUS is all that comes to mind... I'm right there with ya. Maybe it was made for people with abnormally HUGE fingers and legally blind, it is the only logic I can find:)


vanessa joie said...

I hate to break it to you Megs but a universal remote does not, in fact, let you control the universe. Bummer huh? But it is still the freaking coolest thing I've ever seen!

ps I looooove the pic of you and Stefano!

Unknown said...

Maybe it's that big so that you wont lose it. LOL!

[Morgan] said...

it's as big as his head!!! ha ha ha.
i love it. i need one!
i did mention bunco to whitney- via text- but i didn't explain the commitment part or the money part. she said she'd like to come next time so maybe she could come check it out and if she likes it she'll "commit"
ha ha.
Talk to her again k, i just love her.
and you of course.

Chelsea said...

everything is bigger in Texas, so that explains it. Wait... we live in Utah, right? I am confused. What are we talking about again? Is this chicken what I have, or is this fish?

Lindsay said...

That cracks me up! I wish everything came in that size. Then my husband would not be losing his wallet, school pencil, keys and phone all the time!!! he he

Nakita Ellis said...

HOLY HUGE! That is actually quite hilarious! Guess you won't have a problem losing that one.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny because griffin bought that for my mom as a joke for her birthday because she can't ever see the buttons on our regular remote. Pretty funny!

Kirb said...

Seriously?? Does that thing really work. You need really big hands for that sucker cuz that is HUGE!! Good luck with that!!

Kirb said...

P.S. Why is your husband naked holding a remote. Do we need to envolve the bishop maybe??

Logan said...

Whenever I've seen one of those remotes in a store I always wonder "who's actually going to buy that?"... now I know :o)

Sarah and Desmond said...

We have that! I finally bought it last Christmas after our movie couch kept eating our remotes! We love it! Plus, it's a conversation starter!